Close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath, now hold that breath.
Hold, hold.. can you feel the craving in your lungs for oxygen, that burning sensation, the knowing that all you need is air?
Over the years I’ve come to know that everyday there is this craving within me for fresh air, a burning that cannot be met by anything or anyone on earth. I have a deep longing for Jesus, for his Words that speak life.
Recently, I was hospitalized for a week, in intensive care… for three days my life hung in the balance. I was given news that for the rest of my life, I would live with an auto immune disease and my life would never be the same again. I was scared, alone and overwhelmed.
But, I had my Bible. And every moment I could, I read passages that spoke life over my body where the doctors had said something else. When I felt alone and afraid to sleep, God reminded me that while I slept that He never sleeps. (Ps 121:3,4). God reminded me that when I called on him, he heard
me and he rescued me. (Ps 91:15,16). God’s Words were personal, intentional and gave me hope in a time where I didn’t know where to turn. And every day, God’s Words are the fresh BREATHE we need for today. He knows exactly what we need, he speaks truth, love, direction, hope, he brings joy. (Ps19:7-10)
So why not, open your Bible, read some of these scriptures…. And BREATH….